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horse snowshoe
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.
a circular snowshoe fitted to horses that have to work in snow.
See: snowshoe ((n.)) (def. 2)
"When the men who were working this mine pulled out they left a lot of heavy truck behind," Carney continued. "There's a forge, coal, tools, and, what I'm thinking of, half a dozen sets of horse snowshoes back there. . . ."
The unknown inventor of the first horse snow shoes chose for his model the 'Salish Bear Paw' type as best suited to meet the conditions in the B.C. terrain. . . . The usual human "Bear Paw" was 48 inches diameter; while that which successfully carried a horse was only 12 inches.
![A horse snowshoe](https://dchp3.plotandscatter.work/uploads/entries/4073/2013.05.23_13.54.03_image086.jpg)